Who we are –

Thurston Preschool is a registered charity. We are committee run.

Why we collect personal information –

We require certain personal information to enable us to operate a well run, safe and secure setting. Data will be held provided by parents, carers or collated by staff through observations. We do not share any data or images with third parties except the professional service detailed below who provide specific functions for learning journeys, children’s development, funding, accounting.

What data do we collect and how is it used? –

Information contained in the setting registration form

What is collected How it is used
Name, nickname, DOB Held in hard copy form and used in registers, ratio and documents to help with the running of the setting and development of the child e.g registers, ratios, self-registration, birthday display.
Parents contact details, phone number, email address, work contact details Kept in hardcopy and electronic file for reference to enable us to contact parents with information specific to their child and general information about the setting.
Medical details – Doctors and health visitor contact information, immunisation details, details of any illnesses or allergies, details of any medication Held in hard copy form for reference. Details of any medical information needed daily such as allergies or a condition that may require emergency treatment are on the wall in the kitchen and in the office.

·         For administering or seeking emergency medical help including administering medicines

·         Walks around the local country side

·         Applying sun cream

·         For photographs to be taken and used

·         To share information about achievements and from learning journeys with any new setting attended by the child

Held in hard copy for reference
Educational details – other settings attended and possible schools Held in hard copy for reference
Ethnic information, languages spoken Held in hard copy
Personal details about your child’s likes, dislikes and preferences Held in hard copy and used to help build a picture of the child
Alternative Emergency contact details name, telephone numbers, address and relationship to the child Held in hard copy and used for reference in an emergency if identified as a person who can collect the child along with the agreed password.
Session details Held in hard copy and electronically in registers, and planning information
Equal opportunities information, race, sex and age and Sen Held in hard copy for reference. May be used anonymously for statistical purposes


As part of the EYFS we observe your child and record their progress and development. This information is held on tapestry and within our planning process. This is not displayed and is only accessible by staff and in case of the learning journey registered parents.

Additional information may be held on a child with SEN. This will be done in collaboration with the parent and used in liaison with professionals who can help with development.


Photographs taken at setting are only held on devices whilst being used. Images are used in displays, learning journeys, for identification e.g. where a child has an allergy or medical condition. Photographs are not held or used for any other purposes

Funding information and ID

The personal data you provide on the PAF Funding form is not used for any purpose other than to claim funding. The funding process requires us to obtain ID for your child this is copied and filed. Funding data is held on file in hard copy and electronically if provided that way. Details are input into the Suffolk County Council provider portal. The information is not used for any other purpose.

Other Data held on file for reference

Correspondence, absence details this may be in form of a letter or sent electronically

Third Parties

Thurston Preschool use the following systems where personal data may be input for a specific purpose

Who Why Data Shared
Tapestry To create a learning journey Observations and photographs detailing child’s development
Suffolk County Council Provider Portal To make funding claims Information provided in the funding form
Early Years Team at Suffolk County Council Development and support Information passed to the Early Years Team is only done with the consent of the parent/carer.

Data shared relates to the child’s development and includes, full name, DOB, details of other professionals involved, reason support is required and social situation

Sage Accounting System Parents contact details name address, telephone number, email are held on system for invoicing purposes

Childs name appears on the account number for identification and sessions detailed for changing purposes.

How we hold information

  • All electronic records are held securely, and password protected. Electronic data is only accessible by managers.
  • Hard copy data is held in a lockable cabinet.
  • Where children’s names are displayed only first names (and surnames initial where required) are used. If appropriate only initials will be used.
  • From time to time we may email with regard to your child and refer to personal details. This would only be to a named parent or carer

Data Retention

Data will only be kept whilst the child attends the setting or staff are employed by the setting unless there is a statutory requirement to hold the information for a longer period of time. This data will be destroyed via shredding.

I have read and understood the above Privacy Statement

I have permission to share the emergency contact details of third parties to be used as detailed above

I give my consent for Thurston Preschool to collect and use the data as detailed above

I understand I have the right to withdraw my consent and will contact the Manager if I wish to do so

Signature __________________________Name___________________Date___________________

A copy of our full privacy and data collection policy is available on request.

The nominated Data Protection Controller who you can contact with any questions or complaints is Roxanne Perry

Privacy Notice – Data Protection Act 1998

Our duties are to promote through co-operation improvements to the well-being of children including:

  • Physical and mental health
  • The enjoyment of play and leisure
  • Learning and achievement
  • Helping them become a positive contribution to society, respecting their rights and promoting equal opportunity

We at Thurston Preschool are the data controller for the purposes of the data protection act. We collect information from you and may receive information about you. We hold this personal data and use it to:

  • Support teaching and learning
  • Monitor and report on progress
  • Provide appropriate pastoral care
  • Assess how we are doing

This information includes your contact details. Early year’s foundation stage progress records, attendance information and personal characteristics such as your ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information.

We will not give information about you to anyone outside the Preschool without your consent unless the law and our rules allow us to, for example in the case of a child protection concern. We are required by law to pass some of your information to the Local Authority and the Department of Education.

If you want to see a copy of the information we hold and share about you then please contact the Manager Sarah Simmons and Data Protection Officer Roxanne Perry.

If you require more information about how Department of Education store and use your information, then please go to the following websites:



We have devised an information and consent sheet attached with the personal information we collect and use, please read through and sign appropriately.

GDPR Privacy Notice and Consent Form for Parents