How do I know my child will be kept safe?2021-09-10T17:12:35+01:00

Safeguarding is of paramount importance to us and an aspect that is highly regulated by Ofsted and the local authorities. All staff undergoes safeguarding training every year and we have a Designated Safeguarding Person at every setting who audits all of our safeguarding procedures. These procedures include everything from recruiting staff, greeting visitors at the door, ensuring passwords are in use to making sure the equipment is safe to use. All of us have responsibilities in this area and the best form of safeguarding for children is combined vigilance at all times. If you have any concerns or issues then please speak with the manager in the first instance.

What does the nursery do about medications?2021-09-10T17:12:00+01:00

We have strict policies and procedures about the types of medicines we are allowed to administer our full Medications Policy is available on request. You will be asked to complete a Medication Form here to complete before you come to nursery.

What happens if my child is sick?2021-09-10T17:11:30+01:00

We ask that when your child is sick you do not bring them to nursery – to help prevent the spread of infection. We will not accept a child into nursery who is running a temperature. When the cause of illness is sickness or diarrhea we ask that your child stays away for 48hrs after the last bout of illness. For specific illnesses, we have a set of infection control guidelines that advise us of exclusions and we follow these. Unfortunately, we are unable to refund any fees due to your child being ill.

How do I make a complaint?2021-09-10T17:10:38+01:00

It’s often best to talk to us first if you have a problem. However, we do have a Complaints Policy that outlines the steps you need to take to make a formal complaint. You will also find details of Ofsted’s complaints number on display in all the nurseries.

Who can I speak to if I have any questions regarding my child’s care and I don’t want to talk to the Nursery Manager?2021-09-10T17:09:21+01:00

You can talk to Sarah Simmons Thurston Childcare Manager on 01359 234 993 info@thurston-childcare.co.uk and she will be happy to deal with your enquiry. Alternatively you can contact us through this website.

Can my child bring toys and games from home?2021-09-10T17:07:48+01:00

If your child has a comforter then they can bring this into setting. As well as one item for show and tell.

What does my child need at nursery?2021-09-10T17:07:19+01:00

We will be able to supply your child with most things but you might want to bring in their own drinking cups until they are used to ours. We ask that anything you do bring is clearly marked with your child’s name, including clothes and bags. Spare clothes should also be in a named bag.

What will my child eat at nursery or Club?2021-09-10T17:06:45+01:00

We consider it our collective responsibility to provide children with a healthy diet and lifestyle and it starts here. Breakfast will consist of a healthy option such as non-sugared cereal, toast or fruit. We provide children with healthy snacks and drinks in both our morning and afternoon sessions. Hot lunches are either provided or can be purchased separately. We also provide guidance on healthy lunch boxes. Our afternoon snacks are not designed to replace a child’s evening meal at home and therefore are limited to what we consider is a healthy amount of food for snack purposes.

My child has an allergy. How can you ensure they do not become exposed?2021-09-10T17:06:10+01:00

When you register you will be asked for general information. During your settling visits we ask you to complete a permissions form where there are a number of questions about allergies. All staff who are working with your child on any day will be made aware of the allergy. All staff have paediatric first aid training and where an EpiPen is required staff undergo additional training if required. Through our procedures, we feel that the risk of exposure to the allergen will be unlikely. We are also a totally Nut- Free setting.

How do I know about my child’s daily routine?2021-09-10T17:05:44+01:00

At the end of the day, your child’s key person or a member of staff will feed back information about your child’s day. For the babies and younger children, this will include information about their sleep times, mealtimes and nappy changes all written down in a parent/setting daily diary. You will also see observations and updates on your child’s Tapestry account.

Do you take the children out for trips?2021-09-10T17:05:14+01:00

Yes on occasion your child may go on trips to the park, museums or other places of interest. These trips will help extend your child’s learning and are well planned in advance. You will always be advised of these trips before they occur.

Do you open for Bank Holidays and holidays?2021-09-10T17:04:41+01:00

Our nurseries are open 51 weeks a year, during which time full fees are payable. On Bank Holidays and 1 week over the Christmas period we are closed. We also close for our staff Training Days.

What help can I get with childcare costs?2021-09-10T17:04:12+01:00

The Government offers a variety of ways to support childcare costs and they have a website that allows you to see what might work best for your family it is called Childcare Choices. Please do go and have a look and work out what is best for you. You can register for both the Tax Free Childcare scheme and the 30 hours on the government website. The eligibility criteria is similar for both and it is all explained on their page. We always recommend that you do your research and work out what is the best way for your family.

Do you accept childcare vouchers?2021-09-10T17:03:44+01:00

Yes we accept childcare vouchers from many providers such as KiddiVouchers, Edenred, Computershare, Busy Bees, Care-4, and Sodexo. If your employer uses a different provider, your Nursery Manager will be able to make the necessary arrangements. We also accept the Tax Free Childcare scheme from HMRC.

Does my 2 year old qualify for any funding?2021-09-10T17:03:12+01:00

Some 2 year olds are entitled to 15 hours government funded education. There is information on your local authority’s website about eligibility in your area.

My child is 3, when are they entitled to receive the Early Years Free Entitlement?2021-09-10T17:02:43+01:00

All 3 and 4 year old children are eligible for the 15 hours of Government funded childcare the school term after their 3rd birthday. Some children are entitled to 30 hours government if they meet certain criteria. We offer stretched funding if attending all year round. Please speak to the Manager for further information.

How do I register my child for a place at the setting?2021-09-10T17:02:13+01:00

Please complete and return the Registration Form it can be downloaded from our website.

What qualifications do your nursery staff hold?2021-09-10T17:01:34+01:00

Our staff hold various childcare qualifications such as Early Years Teacher Status, Degree in Early Years, Level 2, 3, and 4 in Childcare and Education, First Aid, Child Protection, Designated Safeguarding, Equal Opportunities and SENDCo

What are the ratios of adult to children?2021-09-10T17:00:59+01:00

The ratio in Hatchling’s is 1:3, Fledglings 1:4. Our Zoom clubs are on 1:12 However, at the settings, we often operate with a higher ratio of adults to children which enables us to maintain our reputation of providing high-quality early years provision.

Do I need to make an appointment to look around?2021-09-10T16:42:11+01:00

No, we welcome visitors both existing and prospective parents – so you are welcome to visit us anytime.

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